Daymao's Portfolio Page

Portfolio Image

Welcome, I'm Daymao Silva

I graduated in 2022 with a major in Computer Science from the University of Florida.
In the summer of 2022 I completed a Software Engineering internship
at Salesforce where I worked on the backend of an Order Management system.
I like to program with Python, Java, Javascript, React.js and more
and I have a few personal projects that I developed with some of these languages.

Outside of school, I enjoy learning new things, exercising, playing sports, and volunteering.
Whether it be something related to software or something related to exercise,
I am always learning. I hope you enjoy looking through my website and feel free
to contact me any time!

My Projects

Doistic Web App

This is a task list planner website that I developed using Javascript, HTML and CSS. In the website, you can create lists for different groups, such as "Work" or "Job Searching". Within the lists you can create tasks, which when completed, you can check off and delete them. You can also delete any lists you no longer want. Click the name of the app to go to the website.

Gator Security Fundamentals Web App

This is an educational website developed in a team of three that can be used by professors to teach their students about software security fundamentals. React.js was used for the frontend, Node.js and Express.js were used for the server, and MongoDB was used for the database. The link here redirects you to the GitHub repository for the project which is owned by one of the team members, but is shared among the three team members that collaborated on the project including myself.

Shows Website

This is an interactive website in which I show some of my favorite shows and characters in those shows. I made this website with Javascript, HTML, and CSS. If you hover over the character cards, they will flip over and show you some information about the the character. Click the name of the app to go to the page.

Power Rangers Web App

This a website that a team of three UF students and myself developed. The link above is to the project's repository, which is in one of the other team member's GitHub. In this website we use the Google Maps API to map out energy data about each of the counties in Florida. The purpose of the project is to act as a prototype for an energy company to figure out where new power plants and renewable energy power plants should be placed within Florida.

Contact Info

(786) 308-6775